Tuesday, January 09, 2007

NO.. i do not have cold!!! Delhi does!

College begun!- so spending half of my day is a lot easier than before, though i have to go in this awesome cold but its ok! not much of studies happening, its jus the semester papers we r getting back.. n i have actually scored well!!!!..yippeeez to me!!

Was standing alone in the sunshine today outside my class room in college, and some bunch of sleazyy freaks still think that behaving like 11 yr olds is cool!!! i felt like bumping my head on the wall and telling them to get a grip on life..or maybe just GET A LIFE!!! but just thought that God was anyways not happy to create them. so i should just be quiet n maybe make them feel a little happy about their existence in the world!

The first day of college after the winter break brought a sad news as well- the news of our besttttest professor who is retiring in 15 days!!
there are some things that dont much affect you on long term basis, but they do fr a shorter period of time! to be very frank im not gonna miss him all my life but yeah till 3rd year is over i'll miss his wisdom!
it really made me sad. i swear to God that such a man was born to teach! he's just perfect! and some way or the other it showed in him that how much it means to be a teacher!
i have learnt a lot from him!

Dad surpised me again with one of his whacky trips! He always ALWAYS manages to surprise me! this time it was shocking because i was totallly oblivious!! And i think we've been holidaying since an yr n a half now! i thought that now it'll be a break ( i needed one honestly to spend time with me and Myself) but the temptations of that place is getting me alll excited and the better news..my sis n jiju r going along too! its moms birthday which will fall during the trip! so it is a special one altogether! yippeez to my DAD !!!

had fun today in and after college!
ate CRAX!!! i love em!! hee hee
and cafe nescafe rocks!


Anonymous said...

love the way u write girl.. keep up the good work..!
ps - since i was there in college today with her, can say all the things she wrote couldn't have been put in better words.

Upsee said...

phew.. remembered to read ur posts today.. n i really praise myself for being able to read themm.. u ROCK,such a wide emotions and ideas in such short sentences.. u really are able to put across ur weird diff thoughts successfully... continue by spreading the knowledge n things v pl are oblivious to.. APPLAUSE

Dipti Malhotra said...